Experience, engagement and empathy
Date & Time
Thursday, October 15, 2020, 12:00 PM - 12:25 PM

Within healthcare, an undercurrent continues to build in support of stronger patient experience and engagement initiatives. It’s no surprise, as patients who are more engaged in their health are often more satisfied, less likely to raise malpractice concerns and trend toward better overall outcomes. With reimbursement tying to satisfaction and outcomes in some cases, a focus on experience is becoming more of a critical business need. With the backdrop of COVID – and scenarios where fewer visitors are allowed in facilities, feelings of isolation are increased, staff and resources are stretched thin, etc. – the need for empathy, advocacy and innovation is compounded. Let’s discuss ways organizations can refine their practices and partnerships to influence the patient experience, and how to extend this thinking into the employee experience as well.

Kimberly George, Sedgwick
Adrienne Paler, Sutter Health

Virtual Session Link
Session Type
Breakout session